Extrication Training

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites. Extrication Training: CFD Extracation Training Extrication Training on May 31, 2007 We also practised removing the customer from the vehicle.

Rescue Our Own

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites. Rescue Our Own: December 2009 rescue of Bill Myers from the icy waters of a Many Lakes Puddle.

MVA 4-16-2009

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites. MVA 4-16-2009 MVA on Hwy 35 and Montford

Cream Tanker 5-6-2008

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites. Cream Tanker 5-6-2008: Over turned tanker on Highway 206. Took 6 hours to clear  

MVA Hwy 35 7-24-07

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites.   MVA Hwy 35 7-24-07: Rearender / rollover Pickup was turning right into a driveway and almost stopped when struck from the rear at about 65 mph which…

Timber Line Fire Winter 2007

Photos from classes, calls and on-scene incidents are protected by Hipaa laws and cannot be shared with non-CFD personnel and cannot be posted on social media websites.   Timber Line Fire Winter 2007: Timberline fire 2007 Responding agencies were Bad Rock, Kalispell, South Kalispell, West Valley, Smith Valley and Evergreen. Bigfork and Columbia falls were…