Friday, April 4, 2025: Consignment Day; Saturday, April 6: Item & Collectibles Auction & Rummage Sale; Sunday, April 6: RV, Marine, Auto, Farm, Construction and Equipment Auction.


Wednesday, May 21 and Thursday, May 22, 2025.  Ticket sales will be available beginning April until sold out.  Tickets must be purchased in advance!


Creston Fire Department’s 59th Fund-Raising Auction & Country Fair will be held ON April 5 and 6, 2025.  All proceeds will help us toward our goal of building a  replacement fire station in Creston.   Mark your calendar to attend!!  We at Creston Fire and the Friends of Creston Fire greatly appreciate your support and everything you do to make this fundraiser possible.  Follow us here on Creston Fire Department’s website to know about what’s happening with your local, all-volunteer fire department!  Again, many thanks to everyone in our community for your continued support and attendance at our fundraising events each year!


Creston Fire Department (CFD) is an all-volunteer fire department, with volunteers who respond 24/7 from their homes or businesses to 9-1-1 dispatched fire and medical calls.  Currently CFD has about 30 volunteer Firefighters and EMT’s, all of whom are dedicated to serving their community.  Friends of Creston Fire are the fire department’s support group.  We are always looking for  Fire Fighters, EMT’s and Friends of Creston Fire.  Reference Volunteer Section for an application.


Donations are used to supplement County funding for building the replacement fire station in Creston and for purchase of necessary fire and medical equipment, turnouts, personal protective gear and wildland fire gear.  All Donations are appreciated!  Monetary donations may be made through this website by selecting the DONATE button in the upper right corner of this homepage.  If you don’t have a Pay Pal account, you can donate by using your credit card.  If you do have a Pay Pal account, log into that account and select your payment method.  If you wish, donations can be mailed to Creston Fire Department, 4498 MT Highway 35, Kalispell, MT 59901.


To get your permit, visit:  https://app.egovmt.com/burnpermit/

This new burn permit system:

  • is available at no cost,
  • is a yearly burn permit that must be renewed annually,
  • must be activated each day of burn, and
  • will prevent activation when conditions are unfavorable

If you have questions, call:  DNRC Office 406.751.2241; Flathead County Health Dept. 406.751.8130


The Creston Fire Department is a 100% volunteer organization dedicated to reducing loss of life and property through fire and emergency medical response, prevention, and education. We have been providing service to the Creston community since the late 1950’s. We have some of the best-equipped and trained firefighters in the State of Montana.

Creston firefighters and medical responders are your neighbors.  These are men and women who live in the Creston community and have chosen to serve their community. They are not compensated for their time either in responding to emergency calls or for attending training. They are professionals who perform these services for reasons that go far beyond money. They are supported by their families, by Friends of Creston Fire and by community members. All CFD members are required to attend a minimum of 36 hours of training each year including Adult, Infant and Child Health Care Provider CPR, obstructed airway, Opioid Poisoning, and Automatic External Defibrillator use. Many members attend between 100 and 200 hours of training annually.

The Creston Fire Department owns nine fully-equipped engines as well as three incident command vehicles.  This equipment is housed in four stations throughout the community at Creston, Lake Blaine, Mountain Brook, and Fairmont-Egan. In addition to firefighting equipment, these engines carry a full array of emergency extrication equipment as well as medical equipment including defibrillators. CFD also has a medical and firefighter training facility at Lake Blaine Station.

What are the benefits to you, the Creston resident, of having such a great fire department?

  • 24/7 emergency response, 365 days a year
  • Ongoing prevention and education programs
  • Safety programs in all the schools
  • Reduced fire insurance rates for homeowners at an ISO rating of “6” which is much lower than if CFD didn’t exist

Visit the Volunteer Section or call 406-250-7396 to find out how you can become involved in a great organization!

Follow us on Facebook!


Flathead National Forest 406-758-5200
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 406-751-2240
All of Region 1 (NW United States) National Forest 406-329-4853 or 406-329-4854

It is illegal to burn without a permit and permit activation on the day(s) you are burning.  Violators can be fined for the cost of extinguishing an illegal fire and for property damage caused by their fire.

Burning permits are not required for campfires. Under state law, a campfire is defined as a fire set for cooking, warming or ceremonial purposes; not more than 3 feet in diameter or height and cleared of overhanging branches. All combustible material should be cleared at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the fire.

Never leave your campfire unattended and keep your shovel and bucket handy. Most importantly, do not abandon your campfire until you are sure your fire is out. Prevent forest fires, build safe campfires, and stay with them until they are out. Only you can prevent wildfires.

You may also access this information on the ventilation hotline at 406-751-8144.