Frequently Asked Questions for Auction
Q. What is the purpose of Creston Volunteer Fire Department’s Auction?
A. Creston Volunteer Fire Department has held an annual auction since 1966 as a fund raiser to cover apparatus, facilities, training, firefighter equipment, medical equipment and supply expenses that District Tax Levy funding does not cover. Currently, Auction funds are being put toward building a replacement fire station in Creston.
Q. When is Consignment Day for the next Creston Auction?
A. Consignment Day is Friday, April 5, 2024; 7am to 7pm. This is the ONLY day that consignors can bring consignment and donated items for both Saturday and Sunday auctions.
Q. How do commission rates work?
A. For Saturday and Sunday sales, commission rates are PER ITEM:
Creston Fire receives the following percentage if your individual item sells for:
$10,001 and over: 5%
$1,001 – $10,000: 15%
5.01 to $1,000 : 30%
$5 or less : 100%
Q. What are conditions and payment terms of this sale?
• Pay for your items at the Cashier’s windows.
• You may pay by cash, check (with proper identification), and Visa, Discover or MasterCard credit cards for Auction sales only. When a credit card is used for payment, a 3% convenience fee will be added to the purchase total.
• Out of state checks must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit, unless prior credit has been approved by Creston Fire Department.
- If you make any purchases in excess of $40,000 (equipment or otherwise) at this sale, please bring a bank letter of credit.• Also for buyer’s convenience, there will be an ATM machine available on the auction grounds.
• Full payment of all auction items must be made on the day of each Auction, without exception!
• The Creston Auction is acting as a sales agent ONLY. We MUST PAY all sellers. Therefore you MUST PAY FOR ALL ITEMS you successfully bid on, even if you change your mind or lose the items!
• NO items can be removed from the grounds without a PAID RECEIPT.
• A Secure holding area is provided where you may take your items BEFORE AND AFTER YOU HAVE PAID FOR THEM until they are removed from the grounds.
• All unpaid accounts shall be turned over to a collection agency.
• All items purchased must be removed from the Auction grounds by 12 noon on the Sunday after the Saturday sale.
• Upon purchase of a bid ticket/registration to bid, Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions of this sale.
Q. How much are bid tickets and why do I have to pay for a bid ticket for both Saturday and Sunday auctions?
A. Saturday Bid tickets are $10 each and Sunday bid tickets are $10 each. Bid ticket proceeds are used by the Creston Fire Department to pay for 3 days, 24-hours/day of auction security which benefits buyers, sellers and everyone attending the auction. When a bid ticket is purchased, the buyer agrees to the terms and conditions of this sale. Sunday sale consignors will receive a voucher for a FREE Sunday sale bid ticket.
Q. When are bid tickets sold?
A. On auction weekend bid tickets will be sold at the Cashier windows on Friday, 7am to 7pm; Saturday 7am to close of auction; Sunday 9am to close of auction.
Q. Where do I take my consignment items for Creston Fire Department’s Auction?
A. Follow Montana Highway 35 to Creston (between Bigfork and Kalispell).
Once in Creston, follow auction signs. Auction grounds are on the north side of highway behind the Creston School. You will be directed to the appropriate area where volunteers will quickly unload, tag, and display your items. The clerk will list consignment items you bring and will have you you sign confirming the list is complete.
Q. What if I have more than one load of consignment items to bring to the Auction?
A. You will be given a separate lot number for each load of consignment items you bring.
Q. What consignment items can I bring to be sold in the Saturday auction?
A. Consigned new and used items for Saturday’s sale include: Furniture (indoor and outdoor), building materials, lawn and garden equipment, fencing, household items, antiques, guns, coins, paintings, tack, tools, sports equipment and more. Items such as some smaller antiques, guns, coins, glassware and paintings will be taken to and sold in the “Collectibles” area. The Sheriff’s office will run a security check on all guns brought to Collectibles for auction.
Q. What items will not be accepted for consignment on either Saturday or Sunday?
A. Items that will not be accepted for consignment include: no opened/used paint; no open/used cleaners; no opened/used chemicals; no used mattresses; no scrap lumber (cut off ends); no tires with less than 30% tread unless on wheels (there must be 2 or more wheels and tires); no livestock/animals; no food; no opened/used bags (salt, sand, fertilizer, potting soil). We reserve the right to refuse any other items!
Q. Can Auction consignment items be used as a fund raiser?
A. Yes, local organizations are encouraged to use this venue as a fundraiser for their group. Collect items at your school, church, or fire department, and bring as ONE load to the sale on Consignment Day. We’ll send the proceeds, minus the fire department’s commission, to your organization.
Q. What are the times and details of Saturday’s Auction?
A. Saturday’s Auction will be held April 6, 2024. Grounds will open at 7am, bid ticket sales begin at 7am, the opening ceremony will be held at 9am. The Auction will begin immediately after the opening ceremony and continue until all items are sold. There will be acres of items for sale!
Q. When and where is the Rummage and Bake Sale?
A. The Rummage Sale will be held in the Creston School gymnasium, Saturday, 8am to 3pm.
The Bake Sale will be held outdoors on the auction grounds 8am to 3pm.
Q. What items can I take to the Rummage Sale and where do I take them?
A. If you have clothing or household articles that you are donating to the sale or things that will sell for $5.00 or less, please take them on Friday, April 5, anytime between 7am and 7pm to the Creston school gym where they will be placed in the Rummage Sale as a 100% donation to Creston Fire. There will be donation slips available for you to use on your tax return.
Q. When and where do I take my baked items to contribute to the bake sale?
A. You can bring Bake Sale items to the main Creston Fire Station beginning 6AM on Saturday.
Q. What type of items can I bring to the Bake Sale?
A. You can bring all kinds of breads, rolls and desserts to the Bake Sale including cookies, cupcakes, cakes, and pies. However, please do not bring cream pies or any refrigerated items. Also ,it is preferred that items be made WITHOUT nuts. All baked items must be clearly labeled and must be clearly marked if there are NUTS or NO NUTS. Baked items should be brought in disposable or give-away containers and wrapped completely with saran/cellophane.
Q. Will Lefse be for sale at this year’s auction?
A. Yes, there will be Lefse for sale at the Bake Sale, outdoors on the auction grounds!
Q. When and where is the Arts and Crafts Sale?
A. The Arts and Crafts Sale is Saturday of auction weekend, 9am until 4pm in the Eastside Grange Hall, just north of Highway 35 on Creston Road.
Q. What type of items are sold at the arts and crafts sale?
A. You may sell items that include: Jewelry, baby items, candles, pottery, art work, quilts and many other local handmade arts and crafts. No baked goods are allowed.
Q. I have some arts and craft items that I would like to sell. What do I need to do to get an INSIDE space so I can sell these items and what is the rental fee?
A. For inside space rental call the auction hotline at 406-250-7396. The fee is $25 for an 8’ x 8’ space and $35 for an 8′ x 12′ space. You will need to bring your own case or table to display your arts and crafts. Inside space rental does not include electricity.
Q. What items will be sold in Collectibles and when will they be sold?
A. Items such as some smaller antiques, guns, coins, glassware and art work will be taken to and sold in the “Collectibles” area. Auction of Collectible’s items will be held during Saturday’s auction beginning approximately between 11 am and 12 noon.
Q. If I have the winning bid on items sold from Collectibles, when and where can I pick up those items?
A. If you are the winning bidder for Collectible’s items, you should pay for those items at the cashier’s window. Then return to Collectibles (access the west side door outside the west fence through the parking lot), present your paid receipt to Collectible’s personnel and they will give you your item(s).
Q. What dollar reserves can I put on my consigned items for Saturday Sales?
A. There are no consignor reserves on items for the Saturday Sale.
Q. When I have the winning bid on an item at the Saturday Sale, what should I do with that item(s)?
A. As soon as you have the winning bid on an item(s), you should immediately take those items to the fenced, secure holding area which is near the west entrance to the school grounds. EACH BIDDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURITY OF ALL ITEMS THEY PURCHASE! The Secure holding area, which is near the west entrance, is manned and items cannot be taken from the Secure holding area until a paid receipt is provided. You have until one hour after the Saturday sale is done to pay for and pick up your items in the Secure holding area. Creston Fire is not responsible if items are damaged or broken in the secure area. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD “AS IS, and WHERE IS” WITH NO FURTHER GUARANTEE!
Q. What do I do if I buy a large item in the Saturday sale that is too heavy to move?
A. Entry by vehicle to the auction grounds will be allowed AFTER the Sale is over until it is dark. If a large, heavy item cannot be picked up before dark on Saturday, it must be picked up no later than 12 noon on Sunday. There will be overnight security provided on the auction grounds.
Q. How and when do I need to pick up and take home my consigned items that did not sell in the Saturday auction?
A. If you have a consigned item that did NOT sell in Saturday’s sale, you can take that item(s) to the secure holding area. Then go to the Information window in the Cashier’s trailer where the Information Officer will confirm your lot number, confirm the “no sale” of your item and will give you the “no sale” receipt that you must show security when you take the unsold item through the gates and off the auction grounds. You will have until 12 NOON SUNDAY to remove your items that didn’t sell in Saturday’s auction. All items left on the Saturday auction grounds AFTER 12 noon on Sunday will become the property of Creston Fire Department.
Q. What are the times and details for Sunday’s Auction?
A. Sunday’s Auction will be held on April 7, 2024. Bid tickets go on sale at 9am and the Sunday auction begins at 11am.
Q. What consignment items can I bring to be sold in the Sunday auction?
A. Consigned items for the Sunday sale include: automobiles, marine, trailers, recreational vehicles, farm equipment and implements, construction equipment, etc.
Q. I have a vehicle and some on-road equipment that has a license plate and would like to put them in the Sunday Sale. How does this work?
A. Bring your vehicle, trailer, RV, boat, tractor, etc. to the sale grounds on Friday, April 5, 2024, between 7AM and 7PM. Follow the signs on Highway 35 and you will be directed to the appropriate area for the Sunday Sale. Bring your keys AND the lien free and clear title. The title MUST BE IN YOUR NAME! There will be a notary public available on site to record your signature on the title. If there are two names on the title, both people must sign the title in front of a notary. If titles are not available on sale day or if the lienholder does not provide a written statement, the item(s) will be taken out of the sale. Usually all items in the Sunday sale will be sold. However, we will contact you on Sunday if your titled item DOES NOT sell so you can make arrangements to pick it up.
Q. Is there a notary to sign my title?
A. Yes, there will be a notary to sign titles on Friday. However, to save time for everyone, consignors are asked to have their TITLE SIGNED PRIOR to bringing their Sunday sale item on consignment day. The title MUST BE IN YOUR NAME! If there are two names on the title, both people must sign the title in front of a notary. If titles are not available on sale day or if the lienholder does not provide a written statement, the item(s) cannot be sold in the Sunday sale.
Q. What dollar reserves can I put on my consigned items for the Sunday Sale?
A. For the Sunday Sale, a minimum dollar reserve amount can only be put on items valued at $1,500 or more. If you wish to place a minimum reserve price on your item that is valued and sells for between $1,500 and $3,000, there is a $75 non-refundable reserve fee paid to Creston Fire Department. If the item is valued and sells for more than $3,000, there is a $100 non-refundable reserve fee paid to Creston Fire Department. The consigner will pay the full consignment rate if they buy back their consignment item.
Q. If my items from the Sunday Sale are not sold, when do I have to have them removed from the grounds?
A. Unless you make specific arrangements, all equipment that does not sell must be removed Sunday evening at the end of Sunday’s auction and no later than Sunday at 6pm. Everyone will be called if their Sunday sale item DID NOT sell. Unless otherwise arranged, items that ARE NOT SOLD and that remain on auction grounds after 6pm on Sunday will be determined to have no value and will become the property of Creston Fire Department.
Q. What is the auction’s policy regarding personal firearms, knives and weapons?
A. Personal firearms, knives and all weapons are not allowed on any of the auction grounds. Please leave all of these items at home or in your car.
Q. Can I sell livestock at the Creston Auction?
A. NO. Livestock cannot be sold at the Creston Auction on Saturday or Sunday!
Q. Does the fire department supply tarps to cover my consigned items?
A. Tarps ARE NOT PROVIDED for Saturday or Sunday sales. Please bring your own disposable tarps or rolls of plastic to cover and protect your items from the weather.
Q. Can I bring my dog or other animal to the auction?
A. NO. Please leave all dogs and animals at home!
Q. Is there food available at the auction?
A. Yes, hot and cold food items are available for purchase at both Saturday and Sunday auctions as well as non-alcoholic beverages, including water. There are also baked goods available for purchase Saturday at the outside bake sale. Food items will not be available on Friday.
Q. Are there restrooms available at the auction?
A. Yes. There are porta-potties available outside the west fence of the auction grounds.
Q. When will checks be mailed for items sold?
A. Consignment checks for BOTH Saturday and Sunday sales will be MAILED WITHIN 3-5 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER EACH RESPECTIVE AUCTION.
Q. If I have questions that are not answered above, who can I call?
A. Call the Creston Fire Department’s auction hotline at 406-250-7396.
Q. Where can I get a copy of the current Hot Spots Newsletter?
A. The Hot Spots Newsletter will be mailed. You can also call 406.250.7396 or visit Creston Fire Department’s Facebook page.